Sami Bazzi Express Solidarity To Italian Suppliers and Friends

Dear Team, We sincerely hope you all are fine! On behalf of my Company & Sami Bazzi, we express our honest solidarity to your Team & deep sympathy to all the people of Italy over the outbreak of the virus. We extend our support to all of you through this period of hardship & have […]
Sami Bazzi named Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy

THE LEBANESE BUSINESSMAN OF ITALIAN ORIGIN RECEIVED THE HIGH HONOR FOR HAVING CONTRIBUTED TO PROMOTING ITALY’S PRESTIGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT The President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, on the proposal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Mogherini, after consulting the Council of the Order, granted the Lebanese entrepreneur Sami Bazzi the honor […]

A bit of Italy in the Middle East: in the Sami Bazzi’s stores 95% of the brands are Italian. The crème of made in Italy in small sizes in the Middle East: in the Kid’s Puzzle stores (in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Kuwait), fashion from 0 to 14 years is the protagonist, with a 95% […]

1) Since 1992, you have worked with more than 65 high-end brands and the most exclusive in Children’s category. Over the years of vast experience in the market, how do you think the kids’ fashion sector has changed over time and what are its future prospects? – lots of changes and with the countless new brand names […]
Sami Bazzi, leader del retail in taglie mini, nominato Cavaliere

Sami Bazzi, fondatore di Joint Projects, società leader nel retail di fascia alta per bambini, è stato nominato Cavaliere dell’Ordine della «Stella d’Italia» da Giorgio Napolitano. Il Presidente della Repubblica, su proposta del Ministro degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale Mogherini, sentito il Consiglio dell’Ordine, ha concesso all’imprenditore libanese di origini italiane l’alta onorificenza […]
With Mr. Fabrizio Nicoletti in Rome, Italy on 11/02/2017

At least 247 killed in earthquake in central Italy August 24, 2016

At least 247 Died in earthquake in central Italy August 24, 2016, A 6.2 Magnitude earthquake devastated Italy. The quake struck at 3:36 a.m. and was felt across a broad swath of central Italy. Amatrice, a town and commune in the province of Rieti, in Northern Lazio has been the hardest-hit town, being the epicentre […]